
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A few weeks ago I was a teacher.  My team spent the week teaching at a bilingual school.  I taught 3rd grade! There were 8 of them, (that was the biggest class at the school).

I had a really good time teaching those kids, they were a handful, yes, and they didn’t know a whole lot of English… but we made it work.  We read a story in English, we learned about habitats, proper and common nouns, names and titles for people, and 14 new spelling words.  
We played jump rope during recess, had a Honduran fiesta (I ate so much) and hurried through our last days lessons so we could go outside and play.  

Being a  teacher that week taught me a lot.  God worked through these kids to remind me of the importance of being like a child. 

I will not come to know the kingdom of heaven unless I become more like a child.  

My third graders have fun with everything, the most important thing to them is play time and getting a good laugh in during class.  They are hungry to learn, but not in the sit at your desk and copy kind of way.  They want to experience what they learn.  My kids taught me how important it is to put your whole heart into everything you do.  

I feel like God was using these kids to remind me again, to return to childhood

Spend the day on an adventure with Him..

 laughing and learning all through my day.

He wants me to dance, and twirl around with me.
He wants to teach me through experiences.

He wants me to use my imagination… and wonder off with Him.

These kids have what I want more of… these kids, these students, sat at their desks that week ready to learn…

If only they could know the magnitude of what they taught me.

4 responses to “Lord Teach Me…”

  1. love you SO much…you are doing such amazing work…the smile on those little ones are so genuine

  2. It’s good to see your smiling face amongst the children! We’ve seen this face before in Guatemala – and it always seems to be when you are the most happy. Cherish the moments. Cherish the smiles.

    So proud of you!!

  3. Thanks for the comments! I really loved teaching and being taught by these kid. I really am so joyful here on the field, not matter what we are really doing. It is so amazing to see God work. That you so much for reading my posts! It’s always so exciting to see comments and to hear from you guys! Love you guys!

  4. ¡Hola Rico!

    I got to read a few of your posts and it’s amazing to hear what God is doing. I often think of you, and every time I look at the picture in my classroom I declare blessings and Gods covering over you. I’m so glad you’re having a good time. Can’t wait to hear more.

    Love ya,
    Ms. Nelson