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“In God’s Time

Everything He does gets done in his own way

Oh, but no one knows- not you or me

It might be tomorrow or It may never be

Oh, but don’t lose faith,

put it in His hands

because it might be that He might have a bigger plan,

…than you had in mind,

miracles happen in God’s time.

Read the words of this song again…

… On this trip and really no matter where I am in life, I like things done in my time.

On this trip I am constantly reminded to put everything in God’s hands and let the miracles happen in His time.

I have never been more ready for God to use me.

I want to bring Him so much glory.

I want to be a vessel for Him.

I want to heal people in the name of Jesus.

I want him to open the eyes of the blind through me.
I want to see His love wash over people.

I want to see miracles happen.

And for the most part I have been wanting all this to happen in my time

But my ever so merciful God, has graciously reminded  me through this song that miracles happen in his time

and to just put it all in His hands.

few weeks ago my team was in a small Honduran village for a week.  We
were working with the local church, helping with the kids program and
doing lots of house visits. We visited many sick people, we prayed for
physical healing and faced some spiritual battles. We saw fruit as the
days went on, but no physical healing.  I felt Satan work so hard to
discourage me because of this.  But God is faithful, and He is teaching
me to continually put it all in his hands and trust in His bigger plan.

A few days ago my team found out that one of the people we prayed for with heart and lung problems was healed completely

Take that Satan 🙂

My life isn’t about my time,

My life is about Him

           His work

           His glory

           His time.

don’t know why God’s timing is what it is, but day by day, prayer by
it is becoming more natural to live a life trusting in His time.

3 responses to “God’s Time… For Real”

  1. Hey Kacey, its Cheryl Carlys Mama! I love this blog! I have wondered about this very thing…in the environment that yall are in and getting discouraged! what a GREAT! reminder that it is all in His timing! Along with the FACT that the WORD does not return void. I am so proud of you and Team Rooted!

  2. Right on. The key – day by day, moment by moment, prayer by prayer. We never know what is around the corner, but we know what we are called to do right now – love deeply.

    Proud of you Kacey and loving what you write and how you are writing! Keep it coming!

  3. Thanks for the comments! I really am learning so much about his timing and just learning to be okay with the way he chooses to work. Thank you both for the encouraging comments, prayers and for reading my blog!