An update…
I would get a C
Well maybe more like a D+
Why such bad grade, and why am I okay with it?
I did not journal every morning and night,
I even forgot one day!
Also I didn’t blog on my fifth day…
Right now at 11:30 PM it is day six… So really This blog is probably getting posted on day 7.
So yeah I pretty much failed… yeah I suurrrreee did!
I wrote words in my journal…
I am posting a blog tonight…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I have a l o n g way to go…
So today as a write a nearly mindless blog I smile…
and God is working… in me 🙂
Through the journaling I struggle with
The blogs I dread writing
And through the silly smile I am smiling!
I like
I don’t like to fail…
I may not like it, even though I sure did!
But today I find more than a happy moment of success….
I am experiencing the joy that comes from knowing God still CLEARLY has some work to do in me!
(and that goes way beyond the whole learning to blog thing)
“because I am improving…and God is working… in me”
he is indeed working, sweet friend.
one step and one day at a time. you’re amazing.
love you so much! can’t wait to see you again!
It is great!