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I think i should start this blog, by saying Hi 🙂

This is my first blog ever!

And i been avoiding it like CRAZZZY!

I don’t think I could truly explain why I have kept putting it off, but my self diagnosis is this:

It makes this decision I made REAL,

it means I’m really going away for nine months…

I am really going all-in with Jesus

 and that is a little scary.

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So, back to the post, I have been wrestling a lot with what my first post should be.  I have put this sort of intense pressure on myself to make this the best post ever.  (If you looking for that, I would just leave now. :]) This is new to me, so i decided to give myself a little grace and just go for it

I am graduating this year from Grove City Christian School, as a senior I  was required to take the Bible class called Senior Seminar.  This class was amazing! My teacher really did an awesome job with the class and just really pushed us to be closer with God and to re-evaluate our actions and our relationship with Christ.  As a final project in this class, we all read a book independently and then had to talk about how it impacted our lives.

 I read a book by Kyle Idleman called:
not a fan.

Real quick this book was all about not being a fan of Jesus, Kyle call a fan, an enthusiastic admirer.  “This book challenges you to consider what is really means to call yourself a Christian” (From the back of the book). This book was amazing and it really challenged me, I would recommend it to any Christian or even non-Christian.

 It rocked my world.
During the time I read this book I already knew I was going on this trip and all that stuff but it still really pushed me. 

For my presentation I made a simple video, and thanks to an amazing friend it turned out a lot better than I imagined.

 So take a minute and watch this, and let me know what you think.

Just a side note:

you know me, I’m glad you came to visit, (I will start posting more
often!) If you don’t know me, I’m Kacey! I am so glad your checking my
blog out and I hope you keep checking it out!

Whether you know me or not, please pray, everyday there are little
(and some big) battles going on, I imagine for everyone, and praying for each other is

I’ll finish with this!

Let me know your reading my posts! Comments are lovely and so are
emails, ([email protected])  And that way I can pray for you too!

2 responses to “Bible Class”

  1. Hey Baby Girl,
    I am so proud of you, I can’t wait to read your blog when you leave…..okay actually I can totally wait. I DON’T WANT YOU TO LEAVE!!! Your going to have the most amazing journey. I love you so much baby!
    (You biggest sissy!!)

  2. Hey Kacey! It was great getting to know you the little bit we talked this past week. I am going to be following along with you on this journey, getting to know you better through you stories and I hope we can keep in touch. God bless, you are a real encouragement!