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I wrecked the truck…. [not a bad wreck, everyone is okay]


It happened on our way to Bangla Road half way up Patong Hill in Phuket,Thailand.
How it happened is all a blurr…  
Big tour bus cuts us off
cars driving like crazy
starting to roll back:
the emergency brake is on
motor bike ripping around us on all sides

then wait… “What was that?!”
“God are you kidding me? Why would you let this happen?”

There  was a motor bike stuck under the back of the truck.

The man driving it rolled off and was okay 

[hurt his wrist from the fall]

But my mind wasn’t on him… My mind was on the thought of Thai police men, insurance costs… and an angry Thai man. [Worry and Fear flooded me]

I was bit mad at God.. This shouldn’t have happened… looking back it seems impossible, the series of events that happened don’t add up and for a while I was left confused and frustrated.

[Lets just say this right now!]

Those worries and frustrations were not from God, they were from Satan, and Satan fighting for any hold he could have on us, because he saw what God was doing, and he wanted to stop Him.

“Be self-controlled and ALERT. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. RESIST him, standing firm in the faith…” 1 Peter 5: 8-9

In my own strength and fleshly nature I could not do that, but God washed a special peace over me and all of us. He protected us, and our girls at home were fighting for us in prayer. Through God’s love and mercy alone, we resisted the devil and stood firm in faith…

[He even allowed us to get a glimpse of things through His eyes!]

You see, God has been pursuing this man, his son on a motor bike, He loves him so much, and just wants to reveal Himself to him,  just like all lost sons in daughters.

[[Tonight was the night that this man on a motor bike was going to come face to face with the love of his true Heavenly Father.]]

But before God was going to do that He had to get His precious son to slow down… and I guess God chose to bring him to a complete stop… because his bike was under our truck, on the side of Patong hill, surrounded by 10 foreigner girls who are deeply in love with their savior.

[He wasn’t going anywhere.]

As I struggled to communicate with Thai police and was fighting the guilt, fear and shame that Satan was ready to let loose on me. I felt , God was stirring in me… also fighting for me…

“Now is not the time to forget me, I am going to use you all right here right now,
 rest in me Kacey, you know I love you girl, relax… I’ve got you”
(My version of 1 Peter 5:6-7)

The police man came up to me, with unexplainable grace.

[we were surely given favor from the Lord]

He was not frustrated or impatient but encouraging and almost fatherly in the ways he reassured me it was all okay!!
[are you kidding me!!]

As I continued to communicate with the police along with my leaders, my teammates were reassuring me everything was okay and some of the girls jumped right in as we jokingly said… “Well, go do something, share Jesus with that man, pray for the man to be okay and the bike! Let’s see what God is doing…”

 [that’s what He calls us to do]

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I couldn’t be more proud to have these girls as my sisters in Christ. They were so graciously filled with joy and love that comes from the Lord. They spent time loving on the man talking to him, and found out he was having wrist pain.

[he could hardly move it around]

So a couple of them began to praise God and pray for healing!
Simple As That 🙂

Yes, picture it
Police cars, by-standers,
10 foreign girls,
cars creeping past…
and a Really big GOD.  

Can you guess what happens next?

I can’t contain my joy right now… I have a huge a smile on my face and I am exploding with excitement right now. God fully and completely healed the man’s wrist.


The man went from clinging to his wrist in pain, to complete range of motion
He went from solemn and in pain, to exploding with joy and HUNGRY for whatever it was he just encountered.

[As best they could, my sisters shared the gospel with the man.]

I was communicating with the police man while they were praying and then my head was turned to the other side of the road where my girls we jumping and yelling, praising God…

“He’s healed, Jesus healed you! He loves you, He healed you! He loves you so much! He wants to be your God, you know, Jesus!!!”

The police man runs to see what is going on… (the man very proudly showing off his fully restored wrist…)

My teammate is screaming and jumping saying “you should have seen his face!! I will never forget that face, that is a face of a man who just met Jesus!”

It doesn’t even stop there…

The man tells us everything is fine he just wanted to get his bike from under our truck and go… no insurance, no tickets, no police station…
[just thanks and joy.]

When he pulled his bike,  [that was earlier STUCK under our truck] there was no damage, no scratches, nothing was wrong with it… he looked at it as if it looked better than before.

Confused and in shock this man continued to thank us… Yes the man who we just got in an accident with was THANKING US… THANKING US.

I can only imagine as he left he was happier than when he started that climb… He may have been on his was to work, or maybe on his was up the mountain to pray to Buddha… yeah, we don’t really know but what we do know is God loved that man enough to STOP him and say,


God spoke to this man on a motor bike, God convicted me of my doubts in Him and spoke to me. I could go on for days about how that night changed things for me, about how God spoke to me, revealed himself and did big things for, to, and through me.

But that’s not the point. This point is God loves us!

[He loves you so much!]

He is pursuing you too, whoever you are He wants more.

[He is waiting for us, sons and daughters.]

And that was just the beginning of the night…

5 responses to “I Wrecked The Truck…”

  1. Great testimony Kacey. May the Lord continue to bless, keep, and use you for His glory! Roger

  2. Thank you Darlin for sharing the wonder and awesome power of our God! His ways aren’t our ways which means sometimes when we say yes to God we have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into. I think you would be the first to say that no matter what the “YES” costs it’s worth it because God makes it all work out!!! He turns what the enemy intends for evil into a huge blessing and if we obey Him, in the midst of it, He puts Himself on display. I know ministry is suppose to be about us serving God but the truth is we are always the one God is ministering to even when He is working miracles for others! Thank you Lord for loving on my girl every day in so many ways and thank you for revealing yourself to her as healer, deliverer and LORD! I love you so much baby! The loss I feel not having you here is filled by the knowledge that God has you in His presence teaching you and drawing you closer to Him every day. I am so proud of you baby I wish I could give you a huge hug right now!!!!! Kisses and Hugs!!!! Mom

  3. Hey there beautifull…I was reading this in class today and had to stop because I was crying…I just read it all…Kacey…you are SO amazing and I know that it because you have given every little part of yourself to God…you ARE the hands and feet of Jesus. I cannot imagine how proud your Momma is of you…my gosh!!! I love you sweetie…

  4. love what the lord did in this situation and that you all found an opportunity to minister in the middle of it! so good!!! i love it when the lord shows up in the most unlikely of places and meets in such amazing ways. thanks for sharing this testimony, kacey!

    ps. maybe no more driving vehicles. 😉

  5. Hi sweetie,
    What a wonderful and marvelous woman of God you are. Every time I read your your blogs I get goose bumps all over.
    You so talented! What a great writer! I hope you will keep all your writings and when you’re back home, get them published.
    God was truley with you that day on the mountain. He kept you safe just as I knew he would for you are his angle sent to earth to walk amoung us much like Jesus.
    I truley believe that. I knew the day I hugged you good bye that I had never before felt the kind of goodness and spirituality that surrounded you. I feel so honored and blessed just to know you.
    God will keep you safe.
    Auntie M. : )